RyanVanBooven.com - About Me
    I was born on November 5, 1983 to my parents Mike and Betty and have a younger brother, Jeff. I attended St. Charles West High School, and graduated with honors in June of 2002. In December 2006 after 4.5 years graduated from the University of Missouri - Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology), with a BS degree in mechanical engineering. During my time there I was active in a variety of organizations: UMR Newman Center, Thomas Jefferson Hall Association, Residence Hall Association, and the National Residence Hall Honorary. During the 03-04 and 04-05 school years I was a Resident Assistant, during the 05-06 I was the President of the Thomas Jefferson Hall Association, and spent several semesters as the Secretary/Treasurer of National Residence Hall Honorary.

During my many years with the Boy Scouts, I had the opportunities to participate in many fun and challenging activities, including three trips to Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, NM, and a trip to the Boundary Waters in Minnesota. While at Philmont I have been able to experience the great views that Philmont has to offer, including those from, Mt. Baldy, Mt, Phillips, and the Tooth of Time. I have completed numerous mile swims, and have camped over 100 nights of camping and have hiked over 500 miles. On July 19, 1999, I earned the Rank of Eagle Scout.

I resided in St. Peters, MO until I moved to Newport News, VA in May 2007 to pursue a career at with Huntington Ingalls Industries at their shipyard in Newport News, VA. I perform structural analysis on equipment used in construction and overhaul of aircraft carriers. I have had many interesting projects which have provided me many challenges over the years. Working in a shipyard which builds 100,000 ton aircraft carriers, makes a lot of things seems very small/light.

Over the years I have travel to many awesome places an done many awesome things, including many with my parents. In 2019 I visited my 48th state, thereby visiting every state in the continental US.

My hobbies include endless coaster riding, camping and skiing/snowboarding in the winter. I have ridden over 280 coasters for over 24,000 rides. This equates out to over 15,000 miles ridden.

"You WIN some, LOSE some, and WRECK some." -Dale Earnhardt
"The Road to Victory Requires the heart of a Champion." -Dale Earnhardt
"The winner isn't the one with the fastest car, it's the one who refuses to lose." -Dale Earnhardt

My Favorites

Cartoon Character: Tweedy Bird
Color: Green
Food: Lolly's Brownie Batter
Hobbies: Camping, Coaster Riding, Skiing
Movie: Smokey and the Bandit
Number: 3
Sport: Auto Racing
Sports Hero: Dale Earnhardt & John Force
TV Shows: Amazing Race, Deadliest Catch, Gold Rush, NCIS, Survivor


Sates I visted
States I have Visited in Green.

State Capitals

Montgomery, AL
Juneau, AK
Sacramento, CA
Denver, CO
Hartford, CT
Dover, DE
Tallahassee, FL
Atlana, GA
Honolulu, HI
Springfield, IL
Indianapolis, IN
Des Moines, IA
Topeka, KS
Frankfort, KY
Baton Rouge, LA
Augusta, ME
Annapolis, MD
Boston, MA
Lansing, MI
St. Paul, MN
Jackson, MS
Jefferson City, MO
Helena, MT
Lincoln, NE
Concord, NH
Trenton, NJ
Santa Fe, NM
Albany, NY
Raleigh, NC
Bismarck, ND
Columbus, OH
Oklahoma City, OK
Salem, OR
Harrisburg, PA
Providence, RI
Columbia, SC
Nashville, TN
Austin, TX
Salt Lake City, UT
Montpelier, VT
Richmond, VA
Olympia, WA
Charleston, WV
Madison, WI

Canadian Providences & Territories

Canadian Providences & Territories I visted
Canadian Providences & Territories I have Visited.
Last Modified: 09/03/2024